Kano Spotlight: Dian Lin

2 min readAug 3, 2021


Meet our new favourite person, and the voice of the office, Dian Lin.

Tell us about you?

I’m Dian, and I am an Industrial Design intern at Kano! I joined Kano two weeks ago, and in the studio, I do lots of ideation for new product design from 3D form to packaging!

Tell us a fun fact about yourself?

My accent switches drastically the moment I arrive at Glasgow Central Station.

What is your biggest fear?


Why did you join Kano?

Because I love the explorative nature of the studio, it feels like ideas can float around more freely and we can build upon each other’s ideas. Also, the people are top-notch.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

Getting my 11-year-old brother Mark into drawing, and him getting an art award for his work.

What is something most people don’t know about you?

In China, I was the broadcast voice for my school.

If you could give your younger self 1 piece of advice, what would it be?

Write everything idea you have down! And be brave about them!

What is the single most valuable thing you’ve ever learned?

That you’re never too old to start on whatever you wish to do.

My secret passion is…/ guilty pleasure

Miniature furniture and anything made a 1:12th size of the original thing.

In the next 5 years, the biggest thing I want to achieve is…

Be able to realise the ideas I had when I was 16! And make a stop motion movie.

How do you think your colleagues will describe you in one year?

Still hopping around, and always snacking on something.

If you want to find more about Dian, then head over to her LinkedIn.

This was her original submission for a staff picture. One word. Wow.

