Scrubbed Up: How Tech is Cleaning our Homes

3 min readApr 12, 2021

In the current digital age we find ourselves in, practically every aspect of our life and work has been flipped upside down in one way or another thanks to emerging technologies.

In recent years, with the emergence of the Internet of Things and extreme advances in robotics one area that has been shone into the digital spotlight is… Household cleaning!

Today we’re going to take a look at some exciting gadgets that our making our lives A LOT easier.


Perhaps the well known recent technological advancement in Household cleaning is the Robotic Vacuum cleaners that use motion detection technology to map various rooms in your house to complete a fully automated start to finish vacuum with the tap of an app.

They can also be fantastic to keep your pets occupied…ish:

Washing Machines

In a world already inundated with smart phones, smart cars, smart watches and smart toasters we knew it was only a matter of time until we were introduced to the Smart Washing Machine.

This crafty machines now have the ability to link up with mobile apps and Virtual Assistants to allow remotely controlled washes and even… automated detergent dispensing. Nice!


The huge success of the Robot Vacuums has given rise to another revolutionary device: The Robot mop.

These devices are very similar to the Robot Vacuums in that they use motion sensor technology to map… and mop surfaces on rooms across your house.

Artificial Intelligence installed in the machines also gives the ability to detect certain types and strengths of spills and stains!

Trash Cans

It was only a matter of time until the trash can, one of life’s pure staples, was given its own digitalisation in the form of an abundance of “smart” bins.

Today smart trash cans are commonplace in public settings, where some are able to estimate items being thrown by the speed of one’s walk.

Others have self cleaning abilities and are commonplace in homes.

Some of the most interesting recent inventions however, are able to roll themselves to the bin man. Watch this space!

Lawn Mowers

Ah the humble Lawn Mower. Once a technological advancement in its own right, the lawnmower has been keeping our gardens clean… and green for almost 200 years now.

Today, many modern iterations of the lawn mower exist, but the most exciting areas to look at is the emergence of Robotic mowers that are able to use motion detection technology and artificial intelligence to cut your grass to a pristine trim without you having to lift a finger!

As we can see from the above, Household Hygiene is not free from the disruption of technological advancement and we’re very excited to see what other jobs will be automated in the future… bed making maybe?

Let us know what advancement you’d love to see or suggest what area of future technology you’d like us to cover next on our social media!

